Sunday, 23 September 2012

Saturday 22nd September, River Orwell

12.4nm; Season's total 407.4nm
'Twas slow going, wind-wise, today.  I sailed down the Orwell, against the flood, including a point, opposite Levington Creek, where the wind died completely and I drifted backwards whilst eating lunch.  This sail also featured unusual speed against other boats: overtaking (a couple of 25 footers including a Beneteau which looked to be built for speed...) is a rare experience for me...  At the southerly turn, I yanked the starter cord to allow the motor a stint since the wind had completely dropped again, and I also wanted to give it a run, given its recent propensity to produce strange sounds.  Fortunately, it was behaving today - no screeching, or associated noise, which is reassuring as Autumn comes into view.
Once in Harwich harbour, I stopped the engine, hoisted sails and made the most of the little wind there was, sailing back to the mooring.
Having eventually reached home, I wasn't ready to stop, so sailed back across to the north shore, and was rewarded with a decent F3 breeze and a pleasant easterly beat against the tide, prior to heading back to the mooring and then home.

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