Saturday 3 January 2015

Huntingford helm impeder and other things!

Thanks to Facebook and the Dinghy Cruising Association, in particular, I think I've found the first of my modifications for the New Year in the name of the Huntingford helm impeder.

Having fiddled with all manner of such devices in the past I'm keen to try this technique to see if it makes any difference.  Roger Barnes, president of the aforementioned association, certainly suggests it should, describing it as 'one of the great inventions of western civilisation'.  

This neatly brings me on to this season's best stocking filler for small boat sailors, namely Roger's own 'The Dinghy Cruising Companion' which is proving, without doubt, one of the most rewarding reads on sailing I can remember.  
Packed with useful advice, anecdotes, excellently written and superbly presented, this must now surely be a 'must read' for any sailor.  A brilliant achievement!